Law and Gender Summer School will be organised by the Faculty of Law at the University of Belgrade, with support from the OSCE Mission to Serbia. It will be held from Monday July 1st to Friday July 5th 2024.

Like last year, the courses will be taught by numerous lecturers from the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law including ALF members: Bojan Spaić, PhD and Ana Zdravković, PhD Candidate.

Registration is open from 12-26 June, 2024, and all selected candidates will be notified by 28 June, 2024. Interested participants should register via, providing a Motivation Letter and a short CV (including education, professional affiliation, and interest in gender equality issues).

The Summer School “Law and Gender” will be conducted in a hybrid format. For online attendance, use the following link:

While in-person participation is limited, there is no restriction on the number of online attendees.

If you have any questions, please contact: